Day 23 (08-Jan-09)
Esperance - (Bus) - Perth
Distance: 5km (bike) / 726km(bus)
Weather: Fine (Cool in Esperance, boiling hot in Perth)
Accident: 0
Puncture: o
Accommodation: My place in Perth
TransWA, you were way too fast. Your 2 hour ride was my one day bike ride. and you took me all way back to Perth in 9 hours from the town of east end, Esperance, which I took more than 20 days to come down from Perth.
I didn't realised that the industrial revolution made our lives so convenient. If you are in the bus, you are either sleeping, chatting, reading, eating or even daydreaming and bang! you are in where you wish to go.
If you are in a bus, you are missing so many lives in the air of countries.The bike ride allow you to feel the fresh mornig breeze (and of course the heat and stupidly strong head winds), enjoy convasations with animals like cows, sheep, kangaroos, and horses (and a lot of flys and bugs) and the sunshine freshens you up with vitamin B (At the same time the Ultra Violet affect your skin.)
"G'day mate" conversation with a kangaroo
These were what I was thinking in the bus back to Perth.
Anyway, my first journey in Australia was finished, I'm alive back in Perth! I will write the summery of the whole trip tommorow. Good night!
congratulations man, you rode a long way!