Friday, 29 January 2010

Day 7 Deloraine to Cradle Mountain NP

Date: 12/JAN/2010
Route:Deloraine - Sheffield - Cradle Mountain National Park
Distance: 96km
Accident: 0
Puncture: 0
Weather: Cloudy then rainy and windy
Accommodation: Cradle Mountain Tourist Park ($32 / Unpowered)

Today was the day of climbing.

I woke up at 5.15am and so Mikko did as I suggested him to wake up to early so that he could ride longer. We had long breakfast till around 6.00am because I ate a lot and we talked as well. I packed up all my stuff at 7.00am and so he did. Today, I was heading west and he was heading east. That was time for farewell. I wished him luck and started today's ride.

The first part of today's ride was between Derolaine to Sheffield. It started with flat, relatively down hill ish road. So I was feeling great. And as far as I saw on the map there was no major hill till Sheffield. However, just before 7 or 8 km Sheffield the situation changed dramatically. (Between two towns are about 30km) It suddenly became continuous and very steep uphills. As I didn't expect the hills, I felt like I am fish caught by a fisherman while I am swimming nicely. It was totally unexpected when this happen my body can't react to the fact because my body was not ready as well. Normally this things doesn't happen often but.... Tasmania, what a sharp state you are.

Anyway, I finally, managed the row of the hills and got to a flat area, it was definitely the top as I couldn't find any higher area from there. It was very beautiful road. It was narrow and probably road for farmers vehicles or something but, I could feel it was like riding in the French Alps (although I've never been there). On the right hand side was like a cliff and on the left hand side was farm filled with full of golden pampas grasses (or some sort).

It was like that - a few km before Sheffield

I got to Sheffield at about 9.30am. I had second breakfast and got into the visitor centre. I bought the 8 weeks National Park Entry Pass ($30). I was entering the national park area today and if you got to more than 2 national parks its cheaper to get this pass. I was planning to go to several parks in this trip so I bought this pass.

Sheffield was a very unique town to me. As the town itself was an art gallery. Actually the town called itself as "outdoor art galley" There were few good looking cafes as well.

Outdoor Art Gallery - Sheffield Town Centre

As I was expecting a big and long climbing I did not have much time to waste in Sheffield. After leaving Sheffield, massive and ragged rocky Mt. Rowland was standing in front of me for a while while I was riding the base of the Mountain. Once I was over the Mt Rowland there was a huge decent waiting for me. Normally I get excited with decent but as this decent seemed to go forever, and I was supposed to climbing a mountain. Consequently, I realised that that decent was the last treat of today.

Ragged Mt Rowland with a horse - Mt Rowland

Immediately after this long down hills, there was a long and crazily hilly road was there, and that was i would say the starting point of today's ride.

Steep hills - Between Sheffield and Cradle Mountain

As it was so hilly I had to shift the gear to low and of course had to keep pedaling. When it was hilly I was just going 6km/h. and I was sweating a lot. On the top of the hill, there was a cafe. (Nice!) I had a can of Solo and Toasted Sandwich for $13 all together. It was expensive but was bloody good!

There was about 25-30km left to today's goal point. I though it would be easy as I had done the hardest parts already. Not at all. I think today was the day of hard riding. It started raining and strong wind was blowing against me. So I was wet and very slow for the rest of the ride.

Cold and wet - Near Cradle Mountain NP

I got to today's goal, Cradle Mountain National Park at around 4.00pm. The weather is still not very nice so I will do the walk in the National Park tomorrow morning before I head to Rosebery.

It is fun to see people's reaction here about me, a man riding in the middle of nowhere like here. They look at me as either a crazy person or well done! Maybe 70% react like the first one and rest of 30% react like the second one.

That's it. It was a long day for me today. Good night.

Today's Route

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  1. Well, I say "Well Done"! What an achievement. I often thought of you when I saw a cyclist from the bus window and wished I was young enough to be doing the same. Dee

  2. Hi Dee

    Thanks for visiting my blog. Cycle touring is not as hard as you think as long as you don't push yorself too much. I have seen people in your age group who was doing a tour as well and they were having good fun. It has still somethig extreme for everybody but if you do it once,I am sure you will be hooked it.

